*not for drop-ins/visitors from out of town - please see the Drop In page for that. For Charlotte Residents only / prospective members.
The best way to see if this is right for you is to come try it out! Once you arrive, we will explain how the class will work and you will get to participate in a real class. The coach will help modify and scale everything appropriately for you, depending on your fitness level and comfort/experience. We can also answer any questions you might have about how our programs and memberships work. Some common questions might be:
Then we can help you decide what plan would be best for you to start with. Expect to spend an hour at our gym. Most of all, your first visit is a great way to determine if our gym is a good fit for you.
Nothing. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or it's the first time you have ever stepped foot in a gym, this is your starting point.